Here's our full story behind this film. We need your help. Please help us showcase God's Image in family with an inspiring, humorous, challenging, real (all that it means to be family) TV program called "Living IT!" Click HERE to read more.
Of course, this "faith meets culture" work is really the heart of our purpose and calling. Please join us - many other families in mission-- which involves praying for intentions, regular events, and a monthly series that will touch over 6 million people ("Living IT!"). Please help us make this possible... with your prayers and donation (tax-deductible/ board accountable). No amount is too great or too small. Thank you!
Of course, this "faith meets culture" work is really the heart of our purpose and calling. Please join us - many other families in mission-- which involves praying for intentions, regular events, and a monthly series that will touch over 6 million people ("Living IT!"). Please help us make this possible... with your prayers and donation (tax-deductible/ board accountable). No amount is too great or too small. Thank you!
Please forward and post this -- for others to also seek Blessed Newman's intercession. It is a powerful opportunity given us a a great gift from heaven that should not be missed.
God bless,
Greg and Stephanie Schlueter
Image Trinity
*For non-Catholic Christians, I understand this issue of intercession may be vexing. Here is a simplification of Catholic understanding: (1) God is the source of all grace, but chooses human and material instrumentality to accomplish His plan for Salvation (indeed, even the manner of God the Son taking on flesh vs., say, just snapping his fingers; or scripture itself, a configuration of ink a certain way on a page vs., say, just speaking to us "directly"); (2) We are exhorted throughout Scripture to pray for one another, and we often ask others to pray for us. Why bother if we can just go directly to God? The beautiful heart is that God wants to incorporate us into His plan of salvation, and finally, (3) Jesus died that we might live. The saints continue to intercede for us at the throne of heaven. God delights in engaging us in His plan, and it has this great implication: Everyone we come into contact with today, what we do or fail to do today, will either advance or hinder salvation.