Holy Week: The Final Word for Couples (Fr. Nick Rouch)

JOIN US! A 30 minute journey for couples...

While dying on the cross Jesus gave us seven, final words. In the following half hour talk Fr. Nick Rouch takes up two of these words and invites couples to consider the relational heart of their marital relationship in the final Word, Jesus Christ.   Please feel free to download the talk for playback on your media player (burn to CD). If you are not able and would like a free CD, please contact us including your mailing address. (If you are able, please partner with us in making this possible by your donation of any amount. Thank you.)
Discussion Questions for Couples: 1) What struck you most in Fr. Nick's talk? What challenged you? What inspired you? 
2) In what ways is your "jar" cracked? Your spouse's? 3) How are you doing at making trips to the "well"? As an individual? As a couple? 4) What are some ways your spouse has been Christ-like - sacrificing for you? 
5) In what ways are you sacrificing for him/her? How does it bring you joy? 6) If sacrificing does not bring you joy, why do you think that is? 7) What does it mean to unite your suffering with Christ? How well are you doing with that? What stands in the way? What are some tangible ways to foster improvement?
8) In what ways can you (as an individual / couple) better make "paradise" present in your marriage? In your home? 

Please share with other couples. Join in the journey! This talk is brought to you by Image Trinity, a dynamic Catholic family movement committed to engaging families in the great adventure of discovering and living our identity as an Image of the Trinity.