"The Great Treasure of the Little Flower" (Fr. Dave Nuss)

In this three-part series Fr. Dave Nuss (pastor of Little Flower Parish in Toledo, Ohio) invites us to receive the great treasure of the Little Flower. Become a saint!

PART I: St. Thérèse, Saint for Troubled Times

PART II: St. Thérèse and Suffering, the Way of Love

PART II: St. Thérèse and Humility, the Way of the Child (SOON)


A Lenten Challenge: "Just Live It" (Fr. Larry Richards)

With humor and conviction Fr. Larry Richards challenges us to take Lent seriously, to fix our eyes on becoming saints. LISTEN NOW!

Image Trinity is a movement of Catholic families inviting all to journey in the great adventure of our identity (Image Trinity) and mission: Live IT!