Mouse over the video after playing to select: (1) Just before Marriage. (2) First Dance. (3) Prequel- "How We Met" Story.
For a world in search of real love and relationships, we want to showcase real stories of real couples... how they met and fell in love, how they interact, what's important to them, the real challenges that define the journey of growing deeper in love throughout life.
Many today are in search of the real meaning of love, marriage and family. Unfortunately, the popular vision that so many unquestioningly embrace often leads to divorce and brokenness. Equally unfortunate, a Christian vision is often seen as "canned," unrealistic, and too demanding. We acknowledge that it's true-- many relationships that begin on a solid, Christian ground succumb to less than Christian ideals. Clearly, by anyone's standard, love and marriage is under attack.
At Image Trinity we want to showcase authentic examples of love and marriage being lived. We believe that at the very heart of marriage is God Himself, who IS love. And so contrary to the popular plan for happiness, Christ reveals to us that love, and our capacity for real happiness, is in sacrificing self for the good of the other. God fashioned us for completion in Himself. God Himself is the model for marriage, a community of persons who pour themselves out for each other.
God created marriage between husband and wife as a sacred means to make Him, love, known. Marriage is a participation in Him who is love. No true, lasting happiness or joy can be obtained until individuals understand and embrace their identity as image of God, and in relationship, as Image of the Trinity.
Discover who you are. Know that God transforms us in His grace for the great adventure of imaging Him. Embrace IT!
Image Trinity is a nonprofit movement of families inviting individuals and families more fully discover and live the adventure of our identity and mission: Image Trinity. Find out more at