Live IT Family Story #2: That You Might Have Warm Water

By Greg Schlueter

As a family we're up every morning at 6am to work out at the YMCA. As there are eight of us, I've been hounding the kids to take shorter showers - as I'm last.

So, this morning I commented on how nice it was to have some warm water yesterday. The older two boys shared with me that our youngest, Dominic - age 6, without letting me know, took a cold shower so I could have some hot water. It's 25 degrees outside!

So often I'm so moved and inspired by the nature of God's self-giving love alive in my kids... most of the time anyways. This one goes a long way!  


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LIVE IT: THE MISSION is to invite families on the great adventure of discovering our identity / mission and Living IT. We Image the Trinity (Get IT?).

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