Some Thoughts on "Media"

By Greg Schlueter

We're cleaning house. Literally. Getting ready to move.

Going through source media of the past seventeen years. Just seeing the titles is revisiting pages of our lives. Thousands of productions. Tributes honoring loved ones. ErieAlityTV that ignited a community's generosity in an Extreme Makeover episode. Amazing stories showcasing the heart of numerous nonprofit organizations.

In the faith arena, God's powerful movement through so many people... Journey to Emmaus, World Youth Day, Catholic Leadership Institute, youth rallies, Made2Worship, Presence for Christmas, LiveITStation... clips from superstars who rocked our world- Steve Angrisano, Bob Halligan Jr, Jesse Manibusan....

A very blessed, sacred time. And this media-- we're committing it all to "the ground." Fertilizing it with some tears. (No worries environmentalists, it will be transformed!) All seeds planted with hopes of continuing to reach up to eternity.

Funny thing, the word "media" - as in "to mediate" or "connect both sides from the middle."

God has chosen "mediation" from day one. He could speak directly to us (and in certain ways, He does!), it is undeniable that He has chosen to dignify humanity by speaking through humanity... through the flesh and blood of His Son... through human and material instrumentality of ink configured a certain way on paper (Word), through Sacrament.

The testimony of this "media" approach throughout the ages is the great validation of His Holy Catholic Church... not created of human ingenuity, but given by Love for Love... She is His Bride-- His Presence whose instantiation has variantly been disguised, experienced as imperfect and blemished as we people to whom She has been entrusted, nonetheless is He has remained faithful-- and She remains His chosen means of encountering and living in His life-transforming love.

If today you hear His Voice.... Say yes to Him without reservation, without contingency... in spite of your fears, weakness, uncertainty, doubt... not based upon your own calculation of what you think you can or can not do... but on the simple promise that what He calls us to, He will provide for.

If you're down, if you've fallen... in His power get back up again. God has destined you for greatness. Embrace His Mercy. You are His beloved-- not a spectator, but a participant in an ultimate drama attended by a multitude of heavenly angels and saints.

Be fueled by the awareness that one day you will see souls in heaven who wouldn't have been there had you said "no."
Greg Schlueter is Secretariat Leader for Evangelization and Parish Life for the Catholic Diocese of Toledo. He and his wife, Stephanie, are parents to seven children (one in heaven) and also lead Image Trinity, a Catholic family movement committed to engaging families in the great adventure of discovering our identity and living IT - we Image the Trinity. (Get IT?)